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Let’s learn something about application of CMM

source: Yejia Precision Author: Lucy Views: Time:Feb 21, 2023


CMM industry is also known as CMM, its whole name is Coordinate Measuring Machine.

Let’s learn something about application of CMM

CMM industry is also known as CMM, its whole name is Coordinate Measuring Machine.It is a new type of high efficiency precision measuring instrument developed in the past 50 years. On the one hand, its emergence is due to the high efficiency of automatic machine tools, CNC machine tools and the need for fast and reliable measuring equipment for processing more and more complex parts; On the other hand, the development of electronic technology, computer technology, digital control technology and precision machining technology provides the technical basis for the generation of CMM.
Coordinate Measuring Machine is mainly used for measuring box, rack, gear, cam, worm gear, worm, blade, curve, surface, etc. in machinery, automobile, aviation, military industry, furniture, tool prototype, machine and other small and medium-sized parts, mold and other industries.It can also be used in electronics, hardware, plastics and other industries to accurately detect the size, shape and form and position tolerance of the workpiece, thus completing the tasks of part detection, shape measurement, process control, etc.The CMM can measure several basic elements such as straightness, flatness, cylindricity, conicity, coaxiality, concentricity, shaft axial play, shaft radial play, which can not be measured by general instruments, for high-precision measurement and evaluation.
As a modern large-scale precision instrument, CMM has increasingly shown its importance and broad development prospects. It can conveniently measure the three-dimensional dimension of space, and realize online detection and automatic measurement.
